Training Series
2018-2019 Special Education Paraprofessional Training Series
To complete each session watch the video presentation and complete the review questions. The review questions will be made available once you have watched the full video presentation. The review questions are in multiple-choice format and you will receive immediate feedback.
PSSA and PASA Accommodations: What is Allowed and Appropriate
This training is provided in coordination between the PA Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education, and the PA Training and Technical Assistance Network. It is intended to assist paraprofessionals in their role of supporting students with disabilities in statewide assessment systems such as the PSSA and the PASA. Topics included in the training are: an overview of the state assessment systems, the differences between accommodations used in daily instruction and what is allowable on a statewide assessment, an overview of the 2019 PSSA Accommodations Guidelines, and the design of the PASA. (One Hour)
Understanding Common Characteristics of Students with Disabilities
This video looks at common characteristics that students with disabilities may exhibit, and experience, and will take look at strategies to support these students in a variety of settings. We first look at general concepts of presuming competence and using people first language. Next, this video introduces Pennsylvania’s disability categories and shares ways the paraprofessional can support students with these disabilities in their educational settings. (One Hour)
Understanding Extended School Year Services
Participants will be able to describe how Extended School Year (ESY) eligibility is determined using the four step decision process. Participants will also view the ESY checklist and other documents that pertain to individualized education program (IEP) documents. They will also be able to identify the role that paraprofessional may play within the context of ESY. (One Hour)
Understanding the Components and Implementation of a Behavior Plan
Participants will be able to define and identify examples of antecedent, behaviors, and consequences (ABC's). The relationship between the ABC's of behaviors and the function behind the behaviors will also be investigated. Also, the role of paraprofessionals as part of the behavior support team will be discussed. (One Hour)
What is STEM? What paraprofessional need to know about STEM
This video will define STEM according to PDE. Viewers will take a deep dive into PA's ESSA plan and the plan of how Pennsylvania will get STEM and Computer Science into as many schools as possible. Viewers will review the Carnegie STEM Excellence Pathway,, STEM Ecosystems, and how equity and accessibility fit into Pennsylvania’s STEM plan. (One Hour)