Training Series
2012-2013 Special Education Paraprofessional Training Series - Topics for Expanding Paraprofessional Practice
To complete each session watch the video presentation and complete the review questions. The review questions will be made available once you have watched the full video presentation. The review questions are in multiple-choice format and you will receive immediate feedback.
Paraprofessional's Role in Supporting Students in Culturally-Diverse Classrooms
This session will provide an overview of basic cultural considerations, concepts, and terminology as they relate to Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) for infants/toddlers, preschool, and school-age children and families. Paraprofessionals will have the opportunity to explore practices and strategies to promote cultural sensitivity and to establish an appreciation for families, children, and colleagues who may not share the same cultural lens.

Paraprofessional's Role in Supporting Students with Traumatic Brain Injuries
This session will describe what traumatic brain injuries are and how they occur; the effects they have on students; and focus on the paraprofessional's role in supporting students with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and non-traumatic brain injuries when they return to school.

The Paraprofessional's Role in Supporting Students Who Are English Language Learners
The population of English language learners (ELLs) in Pennsylvania has increased 114 percent in the past 10 years (OELA Report, 2010). The purpose of this presentation is to address the academic, linguistic, and cultural needs of students who are ELLs, including students who are ELLs receiving special education services and supports, with the intention of building capacity among paraprofessionals who work with students who are ELLs and their families.

What Special Education Paraprofessionals Need to Know About Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTII)
The following PaTTAN webinar is designed to provide practical information regarding methods and strategies that may be used by special education paraprofessionals working with students with disabilities in a variety of educational settings. This session will provide an overview of Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTII) as a framework for providing multitiered supports for students who are at risk for learning and behavior difficulties. Participants will understand the implementation of instructional strategies and data that will demonstrate the effectiveness of interventions.