2016-2017 Special Education Paraprofessional Training Series

To complete each session watch the video presentation and complete the review questions. The review questions will be made available once you have watched the full video presentation. The review questions are in multiple-choice format and you will receive immediate feedback.

Deaf-Blindness and Communication: What Paraprofessionals Need to Know

This video will explain what deaf-blindness is and how staff working with students with deaf-blindness can support students and build a rich, communication environment for the student to learn in. (One Hour)

Deaf-Blindness and Communication: What Paraprofessionals Need to Know

Hidden Curriculum: Teaching and Increasing Social Skills for Students with Autism

This presentation looks at supporting students with autism and other disabilities to learn the unwritten, often un-taught, social skills needed to get along successfully in our society. (One Hour)

Hidden Curriculum: Teaching and Increasing Social Skills for Students with Autism

IDEA Refresher for Paraprofessionals

This video will review key ideas of the Individuals with Disabilities Act, 2004. (One Hour)

IDEA Refresher for Paraprofessionals

Job Coaching: Information and Strategies for Paraprofessionals

What is a job coach and how is it different from working as a paraprofessional in a classroom. Laws/regulations, terminology, and roles will be discussed. (One Hour)

Job Coaching: Information and Strategies for Paraprofessionals

Let's Get On Track: Data Collection for Paraprofessionals

This presentation will cover different types of data collection for various content areas. It includes the purpose and guidelines for data collecting as well as methods for collecting data. (One Hour)

Let's Get On Track: Data Collection for Paraprofessionals

Mental Health Challenges and Disorders in Youth

This video reviews mental health challenges and disabilities. The presenters will talk about mental health awareness in school, reviewing what’s working in schools and how to work with those students who made need support. (One Hour)

Paraprofessionals Supporting Transition Social Skills for Students with Disabilities

This video looks at social skills that students may need when they reach the transition age. It covers various needs that the student may have and the role that the paraprofessional plays in supporting those needs. This video will also look at strategies that can be utilized when students encounter a challenging situation. (One Hour)

Paraprofessionals Supporting Transition Social Skills for Students with Disabilities

Special Education Standard #8: Assessment

This video is an introduction to the different types and purposes of assessment. We will look at specific types of assessment as well as the role that paraprofessionals take in this process. (One Hour)

Special Education Standard #8:  Assessment

Supporting Students in Science

In this video, paraprofessionals will learn strategies they can use to support students in general education content classes, with a special emphasis on science. Several note taking strategies will be reviewed as well as an opportunity to practice some note-taking strategies. (One Hour)

Supporting Students in Science