Training Series
2011-2012 Special Education Paraprofessional Training Series - The Paraprofessional's Role in Supporting Students with Complex Needs
To complete each session watch the video presentation and complete the review questions. The review questions will be made available once you have watched the full video presentation. The review questions are in multiple-choice format and you will receive immediate feedback.
Adaptations to Increase Student Success
This session will introduce both instructional and physical adaptations to increase student success in the classroom.
Body Basics and Introduction to Related Services
This session is designed to provide training on positioning, transferring, and strategies to maintain ergonomically correct positioning for students as well as staff. The presentation will also describe the roles of related service providers.
Career and Technical Education Paraprofessionals: Their Roles and Responsibilities
This session will provide an overview of Career and Technical Education in PA and the role of paraprofessionals in supporting students with disabilities who attend Career and technical Education Centers.
Fostering Communication Opportunities for Students with Complex Needs
This session will provide paraprofessionals who work with students with complex communication needs with strategies to recognize and strengthen communication skills. Participants will learn ways to share day-to-day observations of students' communication with other IEP team members.
Providing Standards Aligned Instruction to Students with Disabilities
This session provides an overview of Pennsylvania's Standards Aligned System (SAS) that provides the backbone for instructional content in PA's schools. Participants learn how educational teams can use instructional planning tools to increase grade-level content instruction for students who have complex support needs.
Supplementary Aids and Services: What Paraprofessionals Need to Know
This session will provide an overview of Supplementary Aids and Services (SaS) and how they are used to support students with disabilities. The presentation will define what SaS are, review the legal foundations for providing SaS and introduce a tool that educational teams use to consider which SaS a student might need to be successful in his or her educational program.
What Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Means to You
Universal Design for Learning is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. This webinar will describe how UDL can assist the students that you work with to participate to the maximum extent possible using the major principles of UDL: multiple means of representation, multiple means of action and expression, and multiple means of engagement.