Training Series
2015-2016 Special Education Paraprofessional Training Series
To complete each session watch the video presentation and complete the review questions. The review questions will be made available once you have watched the full video presentation. The review questions are in multiple-choice format and you will receive immediate feedback.
Can We Talk? The Importance of Communication and Conversation for Developing Early Literacy Skills
This session focuses on students in early childhood classrooms and will emphasize how communication with young children is essential to building the foundations for literacy. The session will describe the paraprofessional’s role in supporting effective communication, whether through talking, sign language or assistive technology and include guidance on effective engagement during story reading. (One Hour)

Fostering Peer Supports and Relationships in Schools
Paraprofessionals play an important role in supporting students with disabilities to fully participate in the variety of social and learning opportunities within classrooms and schools. How can these supports be provided in ways that help students learn along with their peers without disabilities and develop valued relationships? This session will address foundations of developing peer supports and relationships in schools and ways paraprofessionals can support this process.

Professional Development Resources for Special Education Paraprofessionals
Paraprofessionals often struggle to find training that is an appropriate match to their job role or setting and to meet the requirement to obtain 20 in-service hours each school year. This session will present an array of professional development options paraprofessionals may choose to fit their professional development needs. (One Hour)

Secondary Transition; Working with Students to Prepare Them for Adult Life
At age fourteen, students with disabilities and the IEP team develop goals in the areas of post-secondary education and training, post-secondary employment and, if appropriate, independent living. Paraprofessionals have a key role working with students to achieve their goals as they prepare for life after high school. This session will describe how paraprofessionals can support students to develop the specific skills they need to be successful in both work and college settings.

Social Emotional Development in the Early Years
This session focuses on students in early childhood classrooms and will provide strategies paraprofessionals can implement to support young children’s social and emotional growth. Specific topics will include acknowledging appropriate behavior, helping young children recognize and manage their emotions, and helping children practice friendship skills. (One Hour)

Standard #6: Language
This updated session will examine the impact of speech and
language development on the academic progress of students with disabilities. In
addition, it will highlight ways in which paraprofessionals can support
students in the development of language and literacy skills. The session will
also provide information regarding the implications of cultural differences in
communication. (Two Hours)

Standard #7: Instructional Planning
This updated session will provide information on how paraprofessionals can support classroom teachers by following written plans and seeking clarification, as needed. In addition, information will be offered pertaining to the preparation and organization of materials to support teaching and learning. (One Hour)

Supporting Independence for Students who are Deaf-Blind
This session will focus on strategies paraprofession¬als can use to foster independence in the classroom and throughout the school day. This will include the paraprofessional’s role in facilitating mobility, access to instruction, communication and interaction with others. Paraprofessionals need to be able to imple¬ment strategies which promote self-determination through building choice-making, organizational and self-monitoring skills; and using appropriate levels of cues and prompts. (One Hour)

Using Mobile Devices as Classroom Tools: Basics and Beyond
This session will provide an introduction to tools frequently used in today’s classrooms, beginning by clarifying the basic vocabulary and ending with resources and ideas. The presenter will explore types of devices, how they can be used to enhance access and engagement in instruction, provide reinforcement, and build student independence. (One Hour)